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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stack Text, Figure Ground Reversal, Etc

  • So, this is my sketch sheet.  These were all to kinda prepare us for making our own awesome logos.  
    • The only thing that was difficult was thinking of some words to replace with pictures! that took me awhile. haha
    • Also some connecting the letters was kind of difficult sometimes. but after awhile i got the hang of it.
  • I used: Stacked Text (Row 2); Figure Ground Reversal (Row 1) Letter Replacement with picture (bottom); and Connecting letters to make one fluid 'shape' (bottom)
  • For grading my self i give it a....7/9
    • 7- this is for the execution.  They arent perfect, but i did my best.  I thought that these came out pretty well. my personal favorites are the Frog and the Smile :) 
    • 9- Participation.  I had enough time to complete this.  Maybe i could have spent some more time on it, but after working on one for to long i got frustrated and moved on.  In the end, i worked through all of my classes and did my best, and finished on time.

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