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Thursday, December 9, 2010

So, for photo, we had a close framing project using black and white film and these are my final pictures (unedited).  For my final i used the 3rd picture first row and third picture 3rd row!  I cleaned up all the dust and scratches and resized/rotated them so they came out pretty nice.  But getting to these wasnt easy.  After completing this project i realized I dislike film....alot. It all started when i exposed my first roll of film.  As dark as your room may be, its not dark enough -- Lesson learned.   Next i thought i broke the camera as i was reshooting, welll the roll of film only had 16 exposures and when i took the 16 it stopped advancing!  I thought, like my other roll, it had more... so i freaked.  Luckily nothing was wrong at all, i just wasnt aware or didnt process that the roll was done. (hey it was like 10:00 and i was tired!)  i just used all my pictures.  After getting through all that i developed, and that was the easy part!  In the end im proud with my outcome.  And yeah, so lets just say IM REALLY HAPPY WE ARE DONE WITH FILM. 

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