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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Depth of Field

Shallow Depth of Field: Depth of field means the sharp area surrounding the point of focus.  A typical example of a photo with shallow depth of field control would be when only the main subject of interest is enhanced by throwing other elements out of focus. (source)
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  • The closer the subject and the camera, the more shallow the depth of field.
  • The larger the aperture, the more shallow the depth of field.

Deep Depth of Field: the area of an image that appears in focus (source)

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  • all or most of the picture is in focus from front to back. 
  • It is often used for capturing subjects in the distance, such as in landscape scenes.
  • The further away your camera is from the subject, the greater the depth of field.
  • Higher f-stop numbers produce deep depth of field. Short focal lengths, such as when a lens is set at wide angle, help increase depth of field.

All my definitions and photo's are from the sources i have listed.

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